Organization: ACCG Inclusion Office
Role: Inclusion Fellow
Date: March 2020–March 2021

• Designed brand suite, infographics, documents, and social posts, monitoring timely engagement in the community
• Conducted targeted DEI research and implemented it into social media campaigns
• Collected audio stories of residents of Athens and identified key messages for "Story Shop" campaign & "ATHistory" Spotify podcast

Brand Creation:

• I was part of the inaugural team for the Inclusion Office and as the resident artist, I designed the color scheme, font style, logo, and brand voice.

Social Media & Infographic Design:

• As the resident graphic artist for the Inclusion Fellowship, I collaborated with the research team on visually explaining targeted DEI research. I would translate these numbers into easily understood charts, infographics, and comprehensive documents.
• I also designed all graphics featured on the Instagram feed and stories, including DEI holidays, in-depth ACC research, and explainers.

Audio & Storytelling: 

• Within ACCGov's Inclusion Office, we recorded the "ATHistory" podcast, available on all streaming platforms. I helped plan, hire, and execute recordings with the Inclusion Officer who hosted it.
• We also started a Story Shop program, featuring stories from the residents of Athens-Clarke County. I created the logo design and guidelines on how to execute collecting these stories amidst a pandemic.